


星座:摩羯座 不详 不详





  NightWish乐队键盘手  Name: 姓名  Tuomas Holopainen  Birthday: 生日  25.12.1976  Place of residence: 出生地  Kitee, Finland  Hobbies: 兴趣  Movies, books, Disney, traveling, hiking  电影 看书 迪斯尼 旅游 爬山  Vices: 缺点  Coffee & cigarettes  咖啡 烟  Musical background: 音乐背景  Piano, clarinet, tenor sax & music theory in music school for 11 years. Keyboards in different groups since '93. (Dismal Silence, Nattvindens Gråt, Darkwoods My Betrothed, Sethian, For My Pain, Nightwish). Occational whoring in Timo Rautiainen & Niskalaukaus and Kotiteollisuus.  在音乐学校学了11年钢琴,单簧管,萨克斯还有乐理,作为键盘手从93年开始在不同的组合中活跃  Equipment: 装备  KORG OASYS, KARMA, N364, TRITON, TRINITY  Idols in music: 音乐偶像  Vangelis, Hans Zimmer  Idols in life: 生活偶像  Mom `n Dad, MacGyver, Moominmamma  Life philosophy: 生活哲学  Tomorrow and yesterday are always equally far away, Carpe Diem.  明天和昨天总是一样得远,把握今天  Place you would like to go: 想去的地方  Alaska  阿拉斯加  What makes you laugh: 能使你发笑的  Jack Sparrow  (《加勒比海盗》中的杰克船长~~)  First record you bought: 买的第一张专辑  "Asylum" by KISS  All time top 5 albums: 永远的前5张专辑排行  Zimmer/Gerrard: Gladiaattori-soundtrack, Metallica: Black Album, The 3rd And The Mortal: Tears Laid In Earth, Pantera: Vulgar Display Of Power, Tiamat: Wildhoney  Personal highlight with Nightwish: 在NW中的亮点  Writing songs for the next album.  为新专辑(Dark Passion Play)写歌  Best Nightwish show so far: 目前为止最好的演出  Hartwall Arena, Helsinki  (即时代终结演唱会,吐血推荐,值得一看)  Killing time on tour: 在巡回演出时如何打发时间  Movies, books, interviews  电影 看书 接受采访  Preparation for a show: 如何准备演出  5 minutes alone.  单独待5分钟  Strangest experience on tour: 在巡回演出中最前所未有的经历  "Singing" in front of 20000 people.  在20000观众面前“唱歌”(?)  Worst nightmare on stage: 舞台上最糟糕的恶梦  Having to sing again.  不得不再次唱歌(....)  Worst nightmare in general: 生活中最糟糕的恶梦  Losing my creativity and the people I care for.  失去我的灵感还有我关心的人  Favorite Nightwish song: 最喜欢的NW的歌曲  The Poet And The Pendulum  (有帮新专辑做广告的嫌疑~不过的确不错)  Favorite band/musician: 最喜欢的组合,歌手  Hans Zimmer, Vangelis, Danny Elfman, Trevor Jones, Enigma, Metallica, Pantera, Tiamat, My Dying Bride, The 3rd And The Mortal, the whole Finnish metal scene.  Favorite book: 喜欢的书  Lord Of The Rings, The Dark Tower saga 1-7, The Count Of Monte Cristo, Talisman, Moominbooks, Brothers Lionheart.  《指环王》《黑塔传说1-7》《基督山伯爵》《护身符》《姆明之书》(姆明:著名动画角色)《勇猛兄弟》  Favorite drink: 喜欢的饮料  Coffee  咖啡  Favorite food: 喜欢的食物  Thai, Mexican, Sushi.  泰国菜,墨西哥菜,寿司  Favorite animal: 喜欢的动物  Wolf  狼  Favorite movie: 喜欢的电影  Dances With Wolves, Braveheart, Sleepy Hollow, Shawshank Redemption, Dead Poets` Society, Dead Calm, Village, Wolf Creek, Lord Of The Rings, all the Disney classics.  《与狼共舞》《勇敢的心》《寂静山谷》《肖恩克的救赎》《死亡诗社》《死寂》《村庄》《狼溪》《指环王》还有所有迪斯尼的经典影片  Favorite TV show: 喜欢的电视剧  MacGyver  Dumbest question you have ever been asked: 被问过的最难以回答的问题  "Are you Jesus 'cause you look just like him?"  你长的有点像耶稣,你是耶稣嘛?



