


星座:巨蟹座 不详 不详



代表作:莫泊桑作品集,恐惧之城,小手指的灵感,博物馆喜剧,5 % de risques


  2015年起 皮埃尔·莱斯库尔 将正式担任新科戛纳国际电影节主席一职~  Pierre Lescure (born July 2, 1945, Paris), is a French journalist and television executive. He is best known for having found the French TV music show Les Enfants du rock broadcast on public television from 1981 to 1988 and for having led the French Canal channel from its creation in 1984 to 2002.  He's the son of Fran?ois Lescure, French Resistance member and journalist for the French communist daily newspaper L'Humanité, and the grandson of Pierre de Lescure, founder of the publishing house Les ?ditions de Minuit. He grew up in Choisy-le-Roi. He studied journalism at the Centre de formation des journalistes de Paris.  He started his career at the radio station RTL, where he was reporter and news anchor from 1965 to 1968, and moved to RMC from 1968 to 1972.  He started working in television as an news anchor of the evening news program of the French public network Antenne 2. In 1981, he created the TV music show Les Enfants du rock.  He supported the candidacy of Fran?ois Hollande during the French presidential election, 2012, and has led a mission about Culture and Media in his government.



